Arbeitsgruppe für Luft- und Raumfahrt
Groupe de Développement de Projets Aérospatiaux
Aerospace Project Development Group

About ALR

ALR is an independent association that pools engineers, physicists and aeronautical specialists. The association was founded in 1981 and figures in the official Swiss Register of Commerce. Principle objective of ALR consists in the implementation of advanced technology projects and products as well as consulting in the aerospace and fluid mechanics related fields. Services are offered to public services and industries, mainly in form of contract research developments and consulting services. ALR is trained to co-operate closely with the client and its staff. Existing experience as well as the client's facilities are engaged to the maximum possible extent.

The key to ALR's successful operation lies in the diverse capabilities and functions of its members, combining these has enabled ALR to offer a unique pool of scientific, engineering, management and business-related know-how. ALR operates in the best tradition of Swiss and German organisational skills and with a natural penchant for strict working discipline.

Aircraft Performance Program APP

ALR's Center of Competence in Aircraft Performance is the developer of the Aircraft Performance Program APP™, a widely-used PC-software for aircraft performance analyses. For more information, visit the website dedicated to APP.

APP Logo



The ALR office is located next to the tram stop "Sonneggstrasse"