Centre of Competence in Defence and Operations Analysis
Being in contact with the Defence authorities of several countries, the Centre has the ability to promote and develop operational products, tools, studies and analyses
Main Activities
- Development of specific problem oriented products, operational analysis methods, instruments and tools
- Marketing and promotion of these products, methods, instruments and tools to the Defence authorities
- Identification of the operational needs and requirements of the customer
- Studies and analyses in the area of Defence and Security / Military operations
- Marketing and promotion of these studies and analyses to the Defence authorities
Général (ret) Jean-Georges Brévot
Gotthardstrasse 52
8002 Zürich
Phone: +33 (0)6 74 41 77 69
Email: jg.brevot@alr-aerospace.ch
In the current complex and unstable world, the Armed Forces have to cope with newly emerging and dangerous situations, in particular when they have to deploy in response to a sudden crisis.
Therefore they try to anticipate actions by thoroughly studying a spectrum of geo-strategic situations they might face, and also by considering the operational and technical capacities of other Armed Forces worldwide.
According to such needs they also have to prepare their future by carefully planning their equipment strategy, this in an increasingly constrained budget environment.
ALR has the capacity to contribute to the Armed Forces thinking process by providing their staff with products, methods, instruments and tools such as the Aircraft Performance Program APP and its applications, or such as operations analysis tools, contributing to a correct appraisal of the different forces. This contribution can also be used for training and simulation purposes, as well as in operational planning activities.
In addition, and due to its multiple competencies, ALR has the necessary experience and knowledge to act as a "think tank" for the Armed Forces staff. Studies and analyses, incorporating APP results and/or system data and performances, can be developed upon customer request. In order to correctly identify the needs and requirements, ALR is ready to organize the necessary dialogue with the customer, both before the start of activities and in the course of the development process.
Studies and analyses may cover multiple subjects like evaluation of a given situation, potential evolution of the situation, possible reactions, "what if" solutions, comparison between different equipment options (for instance manned / unmanned aircraft ratio), interference of the budget constraints with the optimum operational equipment options.