Arbeitsgruppe für Luft- und Raumfahrt
Groupe de Développement de Projets Aérospatiaux
Aerospace Project Development Group

TriLifter/AirFerry Advanced Transportation System

A technical and economic assessment of the TriLifter/AirFerry Advanced Transportation System was carried out by an ALR project team composed of air vehicle-, project management- and cost analysis-specialists. The AirFerry system proposed by Econoflug presents an air vehicle relying on lift produced by aerostatic, aerodynamic and rotary wing power for vertical lift in VTOL operations and for horizontal flight when aerodynamic lift is effective. A rapid reaction thrust vector control of tilted propellers will be obtained by a prop-rotor system of dedicated design for excellent manoeuvrability both in ground handling as well as in cruise. The assessment of ALR has shown the feasibility of the project.

TriLifter/AirFerry Advanced Transportation System